Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ice's Point Of View

My eyes flew open, I was covered in a light sheen of sweat. My breathing was fast and uneasy... It was all a dream- well of coarse it was, it made no sense! I was still trying to decide whether or not to attempt to go back to sleep. I heard a loud banging on the door. Mother of God! My panic attack was almost done, so I crept slowly to the white on white doors. "Hey- everything all right in here? I heard screaming..." Thank the Lord, it was David. "Oh... Uh... Yeah!" I choked, trying to come up with something. "Alright, don't go crazy trying to get back to sleep- My knocking probably scared the living shit out of you!" He laughed. I chuckled nervously. I was acting so strange, then again.. Who wouldn't? 
When I finally shut the door, and climbed back into "my" bed, the swift black currents of sleep started to sweep me off into the portals of the unknown world of dreams. 


David's Point Of View

Since nothing was wrong with Ice, something had to be wrong with me? What impulse would drive me to her aide? Maybe that's it... Impulse! Nah, to easy. Something deeper... Maybe not... "Fuck, maybe if I get some sleep.. I'll start making some sense.." I mumbled to myself groggily. "Hah, maybe you should!" Someone called. I couldn't tell who it was, per say- But they had an Austrailian accent, for sure!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Chapter Thirteen

"God- I am going to go stir crazy in this place!" Adam said, sneaking up on both me and David. Which was funny, because I thought David was either going to jump 12 feet of the ground or have a heart attack. I just burst out laughing, I probably looked like a tool- or crazy, but thats not hard to come by in a creepy place like this... "Jesus, man!" David practically yelled, panting. Adam snickered. "So, 'Peter Pan', where's my brother- c'mon, don't tell me lost him! He looks almost identical to me!" Adam said sarcastically. David and I both shrugged. Adam gasped, which worried me, so I shrieked. "What?! What?! Adam? Are you OK?!" I asked, franticly. Searching for an answer. "You... You guys don't have any musical instrument's we need to worry about.... Do, you?" Adam said, wide eyed. I knew what he meant. Brad probably was off looking everywhere for either a guitar or an exit. "Haha, no worries guys! The auditorium is this way..." David said, leading us down corridors and hallways. 
We finally arrived at the auditorium, we heard the sound of an acoustic guitar lightly being strummed and someone humming along. I knew who it was, due to their obvious Austrailian accent. "Brad-" I sighed, pushing the doors open. He immediately went pin straight stopped playing. "I'm allowed to be in here." Brad said with such authority. "Brad... It's me..." I didn't know what happened, but emotions just waved over me, and tears spilled from my eyes. He turned to look at me, wearing a pained expression. "You don't love me- do you?" He asked, like a crestfallen soldier. I gasped, taken aback by his words. They stung me inside and out. How could he want to hurt me like this. I fell to the floor, trembling and sobbing. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you want from me! I try not to hurt you, and it ends up nearly killing us all!" I sobbed, I felt so weak. My emotions were in control- shit!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ice's Song

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don't bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I'm not afraid to cry once in a while
Even though goin' on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and then I pretend I'm ok
But that's not what gets me

What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And lettin' you walk away
And never knowin' 
What could've been
And not seeing that loving you
Was what I was tryin to do

It's hard to deal with the pain of losin' you every where I go
But I'm doin it
It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friend's and I'm alone
Still harder, gettin' up, gettin' dressed, livin' with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words the words saved in my heart
That I left unspoken

What hurts the most
Was bein' so close
And havin' so much to say
And watchin' you walk away
Never knowin' 
What could've been
And not see that loving you
Was what I was trying to do.

What hurts the most
Was bein' so close
And havin' so much to say
And watchin' you walk away
And never knowin' 
What could've been
And not seein' that lovin' you
Was what I was tryin' to do

And not seein' that lovin' you
Was what I was tryin' to do

NOTE: Yes I DO know this is Rascal Flatt's song "What Hurt's The Most", but I write story's, not
lyrics, so please don't be all like "Oh blah blah blah!" About that, because honestly, I know! Gosh,
I wish I could write songs too, but I am very sorry, and sorry to 'Calypso' I don't know how to write
songs, so, I'll get 'Calypso' mentioned another way- other then that, enjoy the story :)

Chapter Twelve

I was out in the cafeteria place when I was suddenly joined by David, which was nice. He was touring me around, and explaining the WOLFF Virus a lot. It was great to have at least one "friend" around, or at least until I got to see Alex, Adam, Brad, Moira, Sara, *Selena, and of coarse Phil again. I found myself thinking about him a lot lately. A tear trickled down my cheek. "Hey, what's wrong?" David asked, as he approached my table with two small containers of apple sauce and a brownie square. "Hm? Oh, just thinking about someone..." I answered truthfully. I really missed Phil, and his daily jokes- he always seemed to have an uplifting mood. I was always just so distracted by something, that I couldn't really miss Phil. Then I remember the song Phil wrote when I was 14. Calypso, I think it was called. "I know what you mean, I really miss my girlfriend- well, ex girlfriend now..." David said, after a moment of awkward silence. I nodded and sniffled while wiping my eyes. "If you talk about it, it might make you feel better." he suggested, that's something Phil would have said. I sighed. Here goes.
After an hour of explaining and crying, David seemed to finally understand- Phil was there my whole life, he was better then any big brother, and I loved him, I just didn't know how yet. Why was life so hard at times? "Sound's like an amazing guy." David said, trying to comfort me. But the truth was, Phil was an amazing guy, and I really hadn't noticed it, until my chance was gone- why was I such a loser?! I looked down at my hand, the gold band that Phil had engraved "L.O.V.E" on the inside, was on my finger, I usually wore as a necklace but as a ring, whatever I touched, it felt as though, Phil touched it as well. That comforted me, because I didn't know exactly where I was, or when I was leaving. 

~*~Phil's Point Of View~*~

Ever since I found out that there had been a car accident, and that the Wilson twins and Ice had disappeared and Alex was in the hospital- then being transfered out into an I.C.U in the middle of no where, I couldn't feel anything but numb. All the McCaine's were home, except the two I wanted to see in the house. I went up into Ice's room- walls painted black with soft pink hearts painted overtop, her computer, her clothes and jewelery- except the ring I had gave her... Everything was there except her, I couldn't bear it! I forced myself to do what I promised myself not to, run from every problem I had. But what else could I do? The people I knew weren't trust worthy, I couldn't go to anyone anymore, they all disappeared, and Alex was in hospital. So I got into my beaten up old chevy, and went as fast as that baby could take me to where I went when all things weren't going my way- The Cove. I knew for a fact, that that was exactly where all the druggies hid their stash- no cops checked out The Cove any more, it was useless, unless you wanted to get jabbed with a random needle, thanks but, no thanks. I remembered that my old guitar was in the bed of my truck, I had taken it out to my grandfathers to play for him, and I just needed to get somewhere to play her song, to play Ice's song.

Chapter Eleven

~*~Adam's Point Of View~*~

I was in some over sterile hospital thing- WHY the hell?! "Ahem." Someone cleared their throat, I spun on my heals, finding myself face to face with some guy wearing a stethascope. "I see you haven't been properly aroused." He said in a monotone voice. What the hell was this guy saying? "Sir, I'm going to ask you to replace your shirt." He said, coughing once. I blinked. What? I looked down- OH SHIT! I rolled my head "What kind of a bloke doesn't tell a guy that kind of a thing?!" I inquired. Wow, my accent was a tad bit thick. "I see it speaks." A woman said walking into the room. "Tony- I said I wanted our test subjects to be au natureal." the woman said looking me up and down. What? Two tattoo's and three peircings? What was I doing wrong? "Does this sheila got somm'in against Aussi's?" I asked. The look that crossed that 'Tony' dudes face was impecabile; it was anger mixed with fear mixed with shock. "Let's just let this one go Tanya..." The bloke said, hesitating. "No. He's already been infected." She said icily. Infected? I thought. "Infected with WHAT?!" I demanded. 

Chapter One

Its hard to be me, I have platinum blond hair, cut in an emo style that allows my hair to still be long (i use ALOT of hairspray), I wear super-skinny jeans, and converse sneakers, any kind of top is my top (unless it says prep on it)... all my friends are like this too. My eyes are blue, and if you stare in them long enough, you can tell that their as cold as ice.. That's who I am, Ice McCain, 15 and loving it. This is my pathetic life story…

BEEP! BEEP! My alarm clock was beeping. I groaned and fumbled with the buttons until I finally found the snooze button, and looked up at my clock, 5:30 a.m- “Oh MY God!” I yelled, running down the stairs in a fury of massive bedhead and pajama’s. “Who the HELL sets someone’s alarm clock for 5:30 in the God damn morning?!” I hissed at my parents, who were just looking up from their breakfast to look at me. “Hm, what did you say honey? I didn’t really catch the last part..” My mother said, buttering a piece of toast. I huffed. “Someone in this house, set my alarm clock for 5:30 in the morning!” I yelled. 
“Good morning, everyone!” My brothers best friend, Phil said, walking down the stairs, winking at me. Around 7:45 my parents cleared their dishes, and said goodbye, and headed off to work, chirping aimlessly about high gas prices. “It was YOU!” I hissed, launching myself at Phil. “What was me?!” He screamed. “YOU set MY alarm clock for 5:30 AM!” I sneered. Phil laughed, “You got me!” He said laughing still.
My eyes turned into little slits as I glared at Phil, and I tackled him, knocking him down. I pulled his face close to mine, using his shirt for leverage, seeing’s I was already straddling him. “Never EVER again!” I spat. 
Just then, my brother Alex walked down the stairs, whistling a happy tune. That is until he saw me on top of Phil. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU TWO THINK YOUR DOING!” He belted, clearly in shock. We both scrambled to our feet. “Dude, it’s not what it looks like!” Phil said, taking a step towards Alex. “Not what it LOOKS LIKE?!” Alex sneered. “My BABY SISTER sitting STRADDLING my BEST FRIEND?” He emphasised ‘baby sisterstraddling’ and ‘best friend’.

Weeks passed, and Alex and Phil were still living together, but Phil decided not to use our spare bedroom up next to Alex’s room, but the basement, “to be on the safe side” he told me, before we got on the bus for school.

>On The Bus<

I saw my super-best-friend Moira sitting alone on the bus, like usual, saving a seat for me, Jessie, Brad and Adam. “Hey!” I said, tapping her on the shoulder to let her know, that ‘real people’ existed- not JUST her iPod. “Oh! Hey!” She said, pulling an earphone out of her ear. Moira and I had been best friends, since I was 3 and we lived beside each other. She was always trying out new styles, punk, gangster, prep, goth and so on. But she was more comfortable with the “scene” look.
Moira and I talked about the boys we liked, and didn’t. Our bantering went on until we got to Brad and Adam’s stop. Brad and Adam were twins, and were my best friends. Also, they were amazing. Brad had gorgeous slate grey eyes, a strong, hard squared jaw, a strong muscular body, and was about 6“6. Adam looked very much the same, but had blue green eyes and was around 6“4.  Brad had black/blue hair, with lime green tints in the bangs, and Adam had shaggy black hair, he usually wore a beanie over. Moira had a MAJOR crush on Adam, and I was finally starting to see why. Moira was beautiful, soft brown hair, perfect complection, eyes as green as emeralds, and sparkled like diamonds, she was skinny, yet curvy, 5“4.. She really was beautiful 
(not in that gay way!Me on the other hand, I was skinny, barley any curves, I was told I had a gorgeous face, and I rarely had any acne, I was short for my age, 5“2, I had icey blue eyes, platinum blonde hair, I was scene, who was going to tell me other wise? I wasn’t lanky, or fat, but- when I saw me standing next to my too perfect friends in a photograph, I felt oddly out of place.
I waved Brad over to sit with me and Adam to take his regular spot next to Moira, but today she just glared at me.. “What?” I asked in a hushed tone, she rolled her eyes. Brad and I usually talked about the music we listened to (The Used, My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, and so on) but today, Brad just stared out the window. When Jessie finally got on the bus, he looked at everyone, and plopped down beside me.
“What is with everyone, today?” He asked, a joke I’m sure, but when I looked up, his face was serious. I shrugged, he sighed. Jessie was just like every other emo, only better, he was outgoing, he had a positive outlook on life, and he loved. He had a squared off jaw, pale skin, black and green spiked hair, with baby blue eyes. He was just, the average size of a well fit football player, not the average emo… was it?

Chapter Two

~*~Phil’s Point Of View~*~

Ever since that morning with Ice, I just can’t keep her off my mind. I lived in the same house as her since she was 12, and I’ve loved her since she turned 13, and that arrogant Billy Johnson, beat her up. I remember beating the living hell out of Billy, and almost going to live at a foster home for it. ‘You’re two years older then him, and two years wiser Phillip!’ They scolded, after Billy got out of the hospital for a head injury. I was 15 at the time I beat up Billy, and it made me feel big, made me feel strong. But it made Ice look at me as her hero. And that made it all worth while. ‘I don’t care! That little snot can’t beat on my girl- y little sister!’ I spat. Remembering those words, the day Alex truly accepted me as part of his family.

~*~Ice's Point Of View~*~

Phil was like an older brother to me, an attractive, intriguing, arrogant, older brother- WAIT! No little sister would call her old brother a hottie! EW! That’s SICK! Phil was hot, not lying, he was tall, with tan skin, and deep brown eyes. He was very muscular, but also, very thin- in a good way! His face, was jagged, but angular, but only when he was with me, he softened and showed the complexety of his face, that was so hard to explain… Alex had been so angry that morning when he saw me and Phil, but I knew he was right, it was wrong.


During school I remember bumping into Phil a couple of times, and he handed me a note which read ‘Dear Ice Princess-’ a nickname he had given me, back when I did figure skating. ‘Please sit with me at lunch, I want to talk to you! No Alex involved! Love, your pal Phill-y hearts and all that crap’ I smiled as I crumpled up the note and put it in my pocket, saving it.

At lunch, I spotted Phil eating alone, so I ran over to him to see why. “Hey ‘Phill-y’” I said, with a smile in my voice. “Hey..” He replied, wiping his eye with the back of his hand. “Dude, what’s wrong?” I asked getting concerned. I’d only seen Phil cry once, and that’s when I kicked him in the ‘family jewels’. “It’s Kacey-” He began. “She dumped me...” I nodded my head, in understanding. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, he quivered. “She dumped me for your jack ass of a brother!” He said raising his voice, pushing his tray away from him, and walking out of the cafeteria. I followed, as fast as I could, but Phil set track records- and I tripped when I was standing still! “WAIT!” I called after him. “Phil, let’s talk about this when we get home?” I asked, when he slowed down his pace. His eyes were red. Phil and Kacey were dating for 3 years straight, and for all I knew, he’d give more then just his life for her. “It’ll be OK” I said wrapping my arms around his waist. “I’ll hold your hand if you need me to-” I said jokingly, but then suddenly, Phil reached down and took my hand. I closed my eyes. ‘This has got to look bad’ I thought about me and Phil, hugging in the hallway, are hands entertwined with each others, Phil’s eyes red, me scene and everything.. People would think I was bringing him to the dark side. The bell rang, for school to start back up, and I looked up at Phil, to see him peering down at me. “Go to class, Phil.” I said, taking my hand from his. He just nodded and kissed the top of my head. He turned and walked off to where all the grade 12s were. There suddenly was an arm around my shoulder, and a familiar voice. “You know Ice, you’re a really good friend- better then I am.” I looked over to see my brother Alex, with his head down. I hugged him and sent him on his way. I felt horrible for seeing my family falling apart.

Chapter Three

The bus groaned to a halt in front of St. Judas High School. I sighed, and closed my eyes and then opened them again. My bus driver

Axel, (who was probably between 19 to 25) smiled and ducked his head, as he opened the creaky bus doors. I sat at the back of the bus all by myself, well, at least for a little bit, but was suddenly joined by a black hoodie, and tanned hands. “Um, can I help you?” I asked, a little to rudely. The hoodie turned it’s head and looked at me, I leaned closer, and realized that it was Phil. “Oh GOD-” I whispered. “Shh!” He hushed me. “You look like shit though!” I said, worrying. He nodded sadly. I laid my head on his shoulder, looking him right in the eyes. “Don’t worry about a thing, every thing will work out fine.. And Alex said ‘no’ to Kacey, anyways!” I said, trying to be reassuring. Phil just sighed putting his head on top of mine. “I know.”

~*~Brad’s Point Of View~*~

When I saw Ice with her head on the shoulder of another guy, my heart felt like it was ripped out of my chest. I was in love with her, and everyone know it- except her! And there she is, flaunting her beauty to some guy, then to be crushed when he moves on, leaving pieces of her to picked up one by one by me. I swallowed hard, and sat down with Jessie, a single tear rolled down my cheek, and Jessie already knew, and had his arm on my shoulder. “I’m really sorry dude, I just don’t think she knows… or feels the same way-” He said. I glared at him. “Or, maybe she’s afraid to tell you how she really feels!” Jessie added. I rolled my eyes.

* *

~*~Ice’s Point Of View~*~

When I got home, I ran upstairs, and took a long shower, the steam around me was soothing. I felt so terrible about not sitting with Brad today, I had a major crush on him since he and his brother moved here from Austrailia. But, it felt so right sitting with Phil. I loved them both, but I didn’t want to hurt them. But Phil needed me… I buttoned up my skinny’s and through on a thin white T with a band name scrawled on it in lime green. I mussed with my hair, and applied my eyeliner and eyeshadow, and ran down to the basement to check of Phil. 
“Oh MY God!” I said, reaching the middle of the stairsThere on the couch, taking a big swig from a bottle of vodka, was Phil- and to my surprise, his ashtray was over flowing with cigerette butts. “I thought you-” I started in on him, but was abruptly interupted. “quit doing all this?!” He asked, his voice a little hoarse. I felt bad for him, I ran down the stairs, and sat beside him on the couch. “Kacey wasn’t all that speacial, you’d tell her you’d love her and her response was ‘
uh huh, uh huh’. I never once heard her say to you ‘love you too, Phil’, or anything close to it!” I said with a huff. Just then, I felt lips crushing against mine, I looked up, Phil- they belonged to Phil! All I did was kiss back, and thats when it hit me, he was drunk.

I pushed away from him, and sighed. “I don’t think we should do this..” I said shaking my head. Phil looked at me, his eyes filled with hurt. “Why?” He half whimpered. I punched him in the arm playfully, and rolled my eyes. “Because your drunk! Thats why...” I said looking towards the stairs. He pulled me in closer. “I’m not intoxicated, only maybe by your radiant beauty- God! That was cheesy!” Phil laughed, and stared at me with his strikingly soft features.  “I love you Ice Shay McCain, and there’s nothing you can do to get rid of me- ever.” Phil said, kissing the top of my head. 
Hearing Phil say that, sent me flashing back to when I was 13 and Billy Johnson was trying to kiss me. I had kicked him… He had gone nuts, and started beating me up. When Phil had come to tell me that dinner was ready, Billy was in mid-punch, and Phil went nuts… I bet billy never saw it coming, a juvenile delinquent, and a football linebacker for his middle school team, tackling a 13 year old boy to the ground, and beating the living shit out of him. When Phil was done pounding on Billy, the words he spat at him where ones I would never forget, ‘Don’t you DARE touch her again. If I found out, you hit her, I will KILL YOU!’. And that was it, Phil let him go, with a hard push, but Billy took off running, and never looked back. Phil sat beside me, and I took his hand. He looked up at the sky, and then back down at me and smile, stroking my cheek gently, as he whispered ‘I love you so damn much Ice, it killed me to see him beating on you like that.’.
I was suddenly brought back to the present, when I found myself in Phil’s arms, I let out a low sob. “I- I remember, when I was 13...” I began, still crying. He nodded. “When you beat up Billy Johnson-” I said, as I sniffled. At the moment, Phil’s whole body went stiff. “Mmm hmm..” He sighed, softly kissing me on my forehead. “You told me you loved me-” I whispered looking up at him, and he chuckled and wiped away the mascara that was running down my face, and that stained and ruined his shirt. “But I do! I always have, ever since I saw Billy hitting you, it was official, you were more speacial to me, then some lame little sister!” He kissed my forehead again, ruffling my hair, and then smoothing it down. “You did?” I asked, my eyes wide. How could I be so blind?!

Chapter Four

~*~Brad’s Point Of View~*~

I’ve known Ice the summer she got out of eighth grade. And there she was, kissing Phil- how could she do that to me? I just ran home, not that it helped, I couldn’t make my stealthy escape like I’d planned, my chains made so much noise. I unhooked them each from my beltloops, and threw them onto Ice’s front lawn, and continued down the sidewalk. Sure, I’d had my heart broken many times, but never like this… Maybe this was a mistake, maybe- maybe she didn’t kiss him back… I could only hope..
As I neared my house, I wiped the tears from my eyes, and took a deep breath in. As a walked in the house, my mom was crying. “W- what’s going on?” I asked, in a shaky voice. “Amanda was hit by a car.” My sister said, and my mom let out a loud sob. “Fuck!” I said, as I slid my arm over my mom’s shoulder. “Is she OK?” I asked, praying to God that my little cousin didn’t have anything more then a broken arm. My mom nodded, and I sighed. I kissed the top of her head, and went down stairs to find Adam and Moira making out.

~*~Ice’s Point Of View~*~

I heard bushes moving, but I was too caught up in the moment. The power of my lips moving against Phil’s, it was fantastic, the way he tasted the way he held me. But then I heard chains clinking together, and a hand ran down the window, making a horrible noise. “Shit!” I heard someone say from outside, and then the chains dropped onto the lawn. “Uh, I’ll be right back- I think I heard something..” I said looking up to the window.
When I got outside, I found Brad’s chains laying on the grass, along with the heart charm I attached in ninth grade, when Phil and Alex went to a boarding school. I knew that Brad saw everything. My heart sunk. Now, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

>Ok, this comes in later...v <

I realized that I needed to talk to Brad right away, and the only way to do that was probably through Selena. Brad’s OTHER best female friend. She was 15, shoulder length brown hair, that looked as though it was layered. Her eyes changed color, depending on the weather outside, she was tan, standing about 5“1- she was really pretty (again not in that gay way). She always knew the right things to say- Even if they were stupid little things “Oh hey, you got a 51 on your report card? Yah well I got bit by a fishie!” She used to joke about that a lot. My shoulders quivered as I carried Brad’s chains to her door, and rang the doorbell. When she appeared, I suddenly burst into tears- how was I going to explain that I broke Brad’s heart? “Oh, oh honey, what is it?” she cooed, helping me indoors. “I- it’s B-Brad..” I sniffled. “Ohh, did you two have a fight?” She asked softly, rubbing my back. Selena was always one to comfort someone. “Nn- no.. He s-saw me a-and Phil,” I said as I took a deep breath in a let out a sob. “Oh no..” She said, shaking her head. God I loved her [as a friend].  “Brad’s liked you for a long time, and he probably just went into shock, seeing you so close to Phil,” Selena said, hoping that would soothe me. “No! You don’t understand! We were KISSING!” I bellowed, mascara freely flowing down my face. Selena’s face went white, and she swallowed hard.

Chapter Five

Selena had obviously gone into shock. “Phil and you- kissed?!” She snarled. ‘Oh shit!’ I thought. Selena was Phil’s ex girlfriend, and she probably still had feelings for him- who wouldn’t (Kacey OBVIOUSLY) “I didn’t mean for it to happen- He, he kissed me!” I cried. She rolled her eyes. “Oh, I don’t care, me and Phil happened SOOO long ago, I’m SO over him!” She laughed, but her eyes were hurt. “I need you to help me make Brad like me again!” I said, sniffling. Selena smiled a devious smile. Ohh no-

Selena called up someone, but I was too busy calling up my parents BEGGING for permission to stay over at her place. When I got done on the phone, Selena was grinning from ear to ear. “OK, I just got off the phone with my girl Sara, and well- Brad is TOTALLY crushed!” She said gleefully. My heart sank. “Why the hell are you so happy about that?” I asked, a big lump forming in my throat. “Well, because now… I’m going to give you a MAKEOVER!” She giggled. My eyes widened, my already pale skin, went even paler. The room started spinning, ‘Oh snap-’ I thought, and then I hit the ground. “Dude-” A girl said, standing over me. “Is she OK?” Selena and the girl looked at me, I just groaned. “You GOT to be kidding me!” I sighed. But the other girl and Selena were both grinning from ear to ear. “Hi! I’m Sara!” She said, in a peppy voice. “I’m a make up artist and a fashion designer!” She cheered blissfully.

I tried to restrain from the makeover underway, but, it WAS two against one, and I was really tired. Sara dyed my hair, and picked out new clothes (not that it would matter really, I still had skinny’s, only this time I wore heals instead of convorse and these weird ass shirt things instead)

When I saw my hair again, I was freaking out. “Oh MY God!!” I screamed! “My hair- It’s BLACK!” I said, touching my new colored hair.

Chapter Six

Sara applied my eyeliner, and eyeshadows, and all that good stuff, and when I least expected it- Selena took me out for my belated 15th birthday gift… I was getting my lip pierced. “I was supposed to get that done with Brad and Adam!” I protested. “Well, Adam’s been in on this since the beginning...” Sara said, with a sly smile creeping across her face. I was stunned, no HORRIFIED, that one of my best friends could do this to me- but then again, it was Adam, that was something expected of him. I sighed and rolled my eyes, “Fine! So- Adam’s getting his lip done, too?” I asked, praying that I wouldn’t be the only one making a complete and total a.s.s of myself. Sara and Selena nodded in unison. Wow, I never actually looked at Sara before, only saw her eyes, a soft hazel- but the rest of her, was just a soft. She had honey blonde hair, a petite figure, and an infectious smile. She really was a great person, and she had such a bubbling personality.

When we finally got to the tattoo parlor [which also did piercing’s] Adam was standing there, with his 6 feet and 4 inches of pure glory- his new tattoo with his baby sisters name on it, who had passed away due to cancer. It made me feel so many different emotions all at once. “Hey, Adam!” I said cheerfully, to not just my surprise, but everyone else’s- except Adam’s. “Hey Ice! Check out my new tat’!” Adam said oozing with enthusiasm. We ‘ooh’ed and ‘awweh’ed over it, but thats when I remembered. “I’m supposed to be getting my lip pierced, not wallowing in my jealousy of Adam’s new tattoo!” I admitted, jokingly. A huge grin spread over Adam’s face, as he slung his arm over my shoulder. “Shut up-” he whispered into my ear, but to some untrained ‘Look At How Close Adam And Ice Are’ eye, it would look like he was BITING my ear.

On the way to chair that looked like it belonged at a dentists office, I nearly broke my ankles wearing the high heals Sara had demanded I wear. “Watch yourself, kiddo!” The tattoo guy kept telling me, like I was supposed to know what that meant. I insisted on Adam going first, because he already got the tattoo, and with that, the competition broke out. ‘To see who could go the longest without wincing- or showing any kind of pain’ I think was the game we were playing, Adam had screamed half way through, but demanded they keep going. My stomach was doing summersaults. Next, it was my turn- I had a mean poker face, Brad always joked about… Brad. I was no longer in the tattoo parlor, but in a small wooded area behind Brad and Adam’s house, that Brad had showed me. He took me to their old cabin to go camping. And that’s where we first kissed- I was brought back to reality by the crushing memory’s and how I was so stupid, but my facial expression didn’t change, tears were just streaming down my face.

When the piercing was done, I thanked the guy, and rushed out of there as fast as possible- just my luck too, I was bawling. And who do I run into a block away? None other then the infamous Brad Wilson! “Woah! I didn’t think you guys were actually serious about the lip thing.” Brad said, straining a joke. I sniffed, then laughed, “I wasn’t sure why you sent your goons to make me do it, though!” I giggled, helplessly- I already looked crazy, hell- I probably was! “My ‘goons’” Brad asked, his face becoming serious. “Yeah, Sara and Selena...” I slurred my words, so it sounded more like ‘Yeh, Sra ‘n Sela’. His eyes went wide. And then he burst our laughing. “Oh my dear sweet JESUS! Hon, did ‘they’ do this to you?” He asked, stifling his laughter. “By ‘they’ do you mean Sara and Selena?” I asked, half heartedly. He nodded. I sighed. “Yep, makeover and everything- don’t I look hot?” I asked, wiping the last remaining tear from my face, or so I thought- Brad leaned down, to stroke one last tear away. “You were beautiful, just looking like you- not looking like somebody who’s trying to cover that up with makeup and hair dye..” Brad’s slate grey eye’s were glistening with sincerity, how could I NOT believe him?

I hadn’t noticed exactly how close our faces had gotten until I heard people stop behind us, and someone whistle. “Ow ow! Brad, she’s hella fine!” It was Jessie- our head’s snapped up, knocking together. “Ow! SHIT! Ow!” I laughed, my eyes still locked in on Brad’s. “Ohmygosh, ICE?!” this time, the unknown voice belonged to Moira, I whirled around. The only thing I could do was smile sheepishly at my group of friends who stared at me, slack jawed. “What?” I asked, hoping they weren’t angry at me or anything. “You look-” Moira said, tripping over her words. “Hot!” Jessie finished, looking me up and down. “Ahaha, I mean, like coming from one friend to another, you know..” Jessie added. Brad must’ve thrown Jessie one of his infamous ‘death glances’ the guys were always chattering on about

Continual For Chapter Seven

‘Oh my God!’ I thought to myself, but immediately was snapped into the reality of all this, by the sound of Brad’s light snoring. The rising and falling of his chest, made it look as though he seemed so at ease with the world. Maybe I could just put my head down, for just a minute-

When I woke up (for the second time that day), I was surprised to still see Brad staring at me, his eyes were too curious. “You talk in your sleep-” He said, smiling mussing my already messy bed head. “Oh yeah?” I retorted, propping myself up on my elbows, so we were at the same level- or for now anyways. Brad nodded. “You kept saying ‘Brad- Phil. NO! Brad- but... but... PHIL!” He laughed, I felt my face go scarlet. “How dare you eves drop on my personal dreams and thoughts!” I joked, poking him in the ribs. He rolled his eyes. Unfortunately for us, we heard a voice calling to us from the bottom of the stairs- Alex, the one guy who was completely oblivious to anything that was my so called life! “Pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er!” I heard him yell, running up the stairs, probably taking two at a time- just like he ALWAYS did when he had something on his mind… I groaned, and curled into Brad- always I felt safe curled there. I shut my eyes, and prayed for the best.
As my door slowly creaked open, “Oh- uh… hey, um Brad..?” It was Alex, and he was just as shocked as our friends had been- except for maybe *Selena and Sara. I opened my eye just a little bit, just to see my brothers mouth hanging open. “Why… why are- is there something? Did you two...? Is she- you know, you KNOW!” Alex said tripping over his words- I’m not sure, but I think he asked if I was pregnant… Ugh! “Hah, no!” Brad laughed. “Long day- and we both had the day off - doctors orders - and we decided to hang out, and well, she fell asleep...” Brad said, his voice trailing off. “Oh.” was all Alex managed to squeak out, I had to keep from laughing. 
When Alex left, I let out a howl of laughter. “That’s going to go over well at dinner tonight, now isn’t it?” I sniggled. Brad just laughed along with me, this was probably the most we laughed since, like ever!

Chapter Seven

I swallowed hard. I guess the impact of Brad and my head's colliding was enough to make me have tunnel vision, maybe I should sit down? No, I was fine. The voices were just annoying ringing sounds in my ears- what the blue hell was going on here?! I felt arms grasp me, as my whole world went black.

I remember my eyes being pulled open, as a light was shone into them… I tried desperately to shut them, but achieved nothing. I didn’t want to wake up yet- I was so peaceful here…

“She’s suffering from Syncope-” A man said, sighing rummaging through papers. (By now I was just pretending to be sleeping until this unknown man left) “Is it serious?!” I heard someone else ask, oh GOD! It was Brad! I tried not to groan. “No, what Miss McCain is suffering from is temporary loss of consciousness due to sudden lack of blood flow to the brain. However, Syncope is a dramatic event and can even be life-threatening if not treated appropriately. Generally, however, recovery is usually complete within minutes to hours.” The man, who I presumed to be the doctor, declared knowingly. My heart sunk. I have a life threatening illness- fainting..! 
As soon as I heard the doctor walk out of the room, my eyes flew open. “What a load of bull shit!” I hissed, right now I was so pissedd off! “Calm down, Ice-” Moira said, shushing me. How the hell could I calm down?! I could die from fainting! “Ugh! Whatever!” I huffed. I heard someone giggle, so I looked over to see Brad staring at me- I needed to breath. “You drugged me, didn’t you!” I accused, pointing a long, white finger at him. “OH MY GOD!” I yelled, and everyones head jerked towards me. “Someone painted my fingernails black...” I shrugged, smiling sheepishly. Why was I making such a big deal out of this?

When I was discharged, I was all too happy- except to see the worried face of Phil waiting for me back home.
“Hey.” He said hoarsely, looking up. “Aweh, you don’t look too good- what’s wrong?” I asked, but I already knew- I had Brad’s arm, wrapped around my waist. I kept telling myself that it was just for support, nothing more. “Glad you made it home, Ok, I’m going to bed- Some of us have to work in the morning...” Phil said, patting me on the shoulder, and heading for the basement. I felt really bad.
As Brad helped me upstairs, we sat their a long time, and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep- with Brad’s arm, still wrapped snugly around me. When I woke up, I was curled into Brad- WAIT! I was curled into BRAD?! Oh NO! What time was it?! 8:53 am? It was Tuesday, how come nobody woke us up?! “Brad!- BRAD!” I whispered, shaking him but still trying not to be too rough. “Hm, wha-?” He asked, groggily awakening. “It’s like 9 in the morning, dude! We missed the bus, and Phil’s at work!” I was so worried about missing today, that I didn’t realize that he had pulled something from his back pocket. “I have one doctors note for Miss Ice McCain and one doctors note for Mister Bradley Wilson- No school until we both go back to the doc!” He said, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

Chapter Eight

Later (like- after Brad left) Phil came up to my room, and thank God that I only had trig. to work on. "Hey, Ice Princess!" Brad laughed, knocking on my door. I looked up, "Oh! Hey Phillie! I didn't hear you creep up the stairs.." I joked, going back to my trig. "Um, yeah well... I heard that Alex thought you were pregnant, or that you and Brad did the unmentionable- AND he also thought you had just done some drugs!" Phil laughed, counting the things Alex was probably oozing with when he romped into my room earlier that morning. "Well, maybe a couple of those things are true!" I admitted, sarcastically. Phil's face went completely white. "W- what?!" He stammered. "Ugh, kidding!" I groaned, throwing a pillow at him. I glanced over to see the color coming back to his face.

Ice Decided To Take A Break [I know thats a shitty way to state it- but hell! It's my first real deal thing :P]

"Oh my God!" My mom cooed, as she ran through the door, her high heals clicking on the tile. "My baby!" She crooned, holding my head into her breast. "Uh, mom-" I mumbled, embarrassed. "You're crushing my face!" I yelped after a few more minutes of the head squeezing. After all the 'oohs' and 'ahs' I was already sick of my parent's being home.. Good thing they were going to Spain tomorrow on a 'business trip'. "We were just so lucky to have Phil staying with us, or else my little baby might still be hooked up to some machine at a hospital!" My father cried, throwing his arms around me. I could see Phil fighting back the urge to burst out laughing- or maybe crying... He wasn't there when I was in the hospital... But I guess he had told them he was. I rolled my eyes, who cares? "Oh dad- I just have a minor case of Syncome!" I said, trying to make it sound more serious then it really was. "Syn- wha?!" My mom screeched. Phil and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Fainting ma- fainting..." I giggled, patting her lightly on the back, grabbing two rootbeers and tossing one to Phil. 

When I was at school, I told Moira about my parent's "stealthy" return, and their comment about the hospital. All was good until I was ambushed by Adam, *Selena and Sara. "Oh my gosh! HEY! You look TOTALLY wonderful!" Sara gushed, she was oozing with bubbliness. Moira took a deep breath in. "Like, I know! I did her makeup today, doesn't it look like totally- stellar?" Moira replied, faking the bubbliness. Sara gasped. "So like- Ice dressed herself?" Sara asked, in utter shock. Wow- what? I can't even dress myself anymore? "Um, yeah... I did! Why?" I sighed, looking at Moira, who looked more annoyed with Sara then I did. "Because like, you look HOT! No offense!" Sara was back to her over gushed bubbly self in no time- great. I couldn't find the twins in any of my classes- maybe Phil said something- but then I remembered... Austrailia, family, visit- CRAP! Brad and Adam Wilson had gone 'Out Back' to visit family for the week!

I groaned. How could my day get any worse? I was already riding in the car with Alex after football practice (and that smells AWFUL) and we had to listen to his dumb music. And just like Alex, we had to be racing top speeds down slick, wet roads at 9:30 at night (I had been in the library studying for a trig. test on Friday, and I was really needing the extra study time). Just then, another car swerved into our lane, and Alex slammed on the breaks- the other car safely returned to it's proper lane, but Alex had lost control. I had found we were spinning at alarming speeds heading straight for a- oh holy hell- we were heading straight for an escarpment. I buckled my seatbelt, and prayed to God that both me and Alex made it out unscathed. My heart thumped harder and harder- it wasn't like anything they said it was like in movies, nothing was in slow motion! It happened so fast, the wind whipping around us, the crunching sound of the car, the shattering sounds of glass- shards flying every which way, and then the screaming- not from me and Alex... But from somewhere else... Oh GOD! We had hit another car.. The shrill shrieks were sounding more distant- I heard something that sounded like 'Human phial mime the dumb plumb' but that's when it finally registered- someone was saying 'someone dial nine one one'... 

Chapter Nine



I faintly recall hearing a woman gasp, probably shocked 'My God Tony! Why isn't this working?!'  A man grumbled something that I presumed to be 
try harder but I still felt nothing- nothing at all. 'Demon child!' One woman hissed, nearing me- or was she? My eyes flew open, and I was on my feet in a second, walking towards the woman who was hissing 'Demon child! Demon child!' over and over. Apparently, many people were just as shocked as the woman was, when I came face to face with her- because her face went from angry, to green, to white. She reached up and stroked my cheek. "My Lord!" She shuddered. I thought I was still me- I thought I was still Ice McCain, 15 year old, average grade 10 student... Why was she making a big deal out of this? Maybe I was cut up real bad- then I noticed how slowly my heart was beating, but how hot I was. What the hell? Everything went black around me. Damn I hated Syncope!

When I awoke a few hours later, I heard the annoying beeping sounds of a monitor and the overly sterile smell of a hospital. "Miss, you and your friend have been exposed to some sort of airborne virus- it's I.D is WOLFF 17856445.332 or WOLFF for short." An extremely young doctor said, wearing a mask covering his mouth. "I guess it's contagious..?" I sighed. The doctor looked around the room, as if to shoo out others, "No, absolutely not-" he replied. "You're a bad lier!" I laughed, my voice sounded different. "Ok, WOLFF has a different affect on every one of it's test subjects, and you were exposed accidentally- and well, so far all of the side effects include..." he trailed off. I glared at him. I took a sharp breath in, as if I'd hit him, "Yes. Oh, right! The side effects include enhanced beauty, supernatural abilities, change in skin and hair color, mood swings, and finally- immortality... Or at least the aging process is slowed greatly, it could take around a century before a year phases your body.." The doctor said, smiling sheepishly. God, I wondered how many of these 'symptoms' I was 'suffering' from.  Or, Alex. "What about Alex?!" A asked, what was this, a million and one questions? "Who?" He replied. "Um, the boy who was in the car when I crashed-" I hurried through my sentence. His eyes grew sad. "He's in the hospital with intensive injury's but he was exposed to WOLFF, and will probably have the same outcome as you. The boys who's here have black and the other has blackish blue hair with green in it, they'll be able to meet your pleasurable aquaintance later." The doctor called before leaving the room. Oh my lord- it was Brad and Adam- we had hit them, and we exposed them to WOLFF- ?  Was that even possible? Did they expose us? What was going on here?! Was this a bad dream?! Was the car in a ditch somewhere and this was my imagination playing games on me?!