Friday, September 5, 2008

Chapter Eight

Later (like- after Brad left) Phil came up to my room, and thank God that I only had trig. to work on. "Hey, Ice Princess!" Brad laughed, knocking on my door. I looked up, "Oh! Hey Phillie! I didn't hear you creep up the stairs.." I joked, going back to my trig. "Um, yeah well... I heard that Alex thought you were pregnant, or that you and Brad did the unmentionable- AND he also thought you had just done some drugs!" Phil laughed, counting the things Alex was probably oozing with when he romped into my room earlier that morning. "Well, maybe a couple of those things are true!" I admitted, sarcastically. Phil's face went completely white. "W- what?!" He stammered. "Ugh, kidding!" I groaned, throwing a pillow at him. I glanced over to see the color coming back to his face.

Ice Decided To Take A Break [I know thats a shitty way to state it- but hell! It's my first real deal thing :P]

"Oh my God!" My mom cooed, as she ran through the door, her high heals clicking on the tile. "My baby!" She crooned, holding my head into her breast. "Uh, mom-" I mumbled, embarrassed. "You're crushing my face!" I yelped after a few more minutes of the head squeezing. After all the 'oohs' and 'ahs' I was already sick of my parent's being home.. Good thing they were going to Spain tomorrow on a 'business trip'. "We were just so lucky to have Phil staying with us, or else my little baby might still be hooked up to some machine at a hospital!" My father cried, throwing his arms around me. I could see Phil fighting back the urge to burst out laughing- or maybe crying... He wasn't there when I was in the hospital... But I guess he had told them he was. I rolled my eyes, who cares? "Oh dad- I just have a minor case of Syncome!" I said, trying to make it sound more serious then it really was. "Syn- wha?!" My mom screeched. Phil and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Fainting ma- fainting..." I giggled, patting her lightly on the back, grabbing two rootbeers and tossing one to Phil. 

When I was at school, I told Moira about my parent's "stealthy" return, and their comment about the hospital. All was good until I was ambushed by Adam, *Selena and Sara. "Oh my gosh! HEY! You look TOTALLY wonderful!" Sara gushed, she was oozing with bubbliness. Moira took a deep breath in. "Like, I know! I did her makeup today, doesn't it look like totally- stellar?" Moira replied, faking the bubbliness. Sara gasped. "So like- Ice dressed herself?" Sara asked, in utter shock. Wow- what? I can't even dress myself anymore? "Um, yeah... I did! Why?" I sighed, looking at Moira, who looked more annoyed with Sara then I did. "Because like, you look HOT! No offense!" Sara was back to her over gushed bubbly self in no time- great. I couldn't find the twins in any of my classes- maybe Phil said something- but then I remembered... Austrailia, family, visit- CRAP! Brad and Adam Wilson had gone 'Out Back' to visit family for the week!

I groaned. How could my day get any worse? I was already riding in the car with Alex after football practice (and that smells AWFUL) and we had to listen to his dumb music. And just like Alex, we had to be racing top speeds down slick, wet roads at 9:30 at night (I had been in the library studying for a trig. test on Friday, and I was really needing the extra study time). Just then, another car swerved into our lane, and Alex slammed on the breaks- the other car safely returned to it's proper lane, but Alex had lost control. I had found we were spinning at alarming speeds heading straight for a- oh holy hell- we were heading straight for an escarpment. I buckled my seatbelt, and prayed to God that both me and Alex made it out unscathed. My heart thumped harder and harder- it wasn't like anything they said it was like in movies, nothing was in slow motion! It happened so fast, the wind whipping around us, the crunching sound of the car, the shattering sounds of glass- shards flying every which way, and then the screaming- not from me and Alex... But from somewhere else... Oh GOD! We had hit another car.. The shrill shrieks were sounding more distant- I heard something that sounded like 'Human phial mime the dumb plumb' but that's when it finally registered- someone was saying 'someone dial nine one one'... 

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