Friday, September 5, 2008

Chapter Five

Selena had obviously gone into shock. “Phil and you- kissed?!” She snarled. ‘Oh shit!’ I thought. Selena was Phil’s ex girlfriend, and she probably still had feelings for him- who wouldn’t (Kacey OBVIOUSLY) “I didn’t mean for it to happen- He, he kissed me!” I cried. She rolled her eyes. “Oh, I don’t care, me and Phil happened SOOO long ago, I’m SO over him!” She laughed, but her eyes were hurt. “I need you to help me make Brad like me again!” I said, sniffling. Selena smiled a devious smile. Ohh no-

Selena called up someone, but I was too busy calling up my parents BEGGING for permission to stay over at her place. When I got done on the phone, Selena was grinning from ear to ear. “OK, I just got off the phone with my girl Sara, and well- Brad is TOTALLY crushed!” She said gleefully. My heart sank. “Why the hell are you so happy about that?” I asked, a big lump forming in my throat. “Well, because now… I’m going to give you a MAKEOVER!” She giggled. My eyes widened, my already pale skin, went even paler. The room started spinning, ‘Oh snap-’ I thought, and then I hit the ground. “Dude-” A girl said, standing over me. “Is she OK?” Selena and the girl looked at me, I just groaned. “You GOT to be kidding me!” I sighed. But the other girl and Selena were both grinning from ear to ear. “Hi! I’m Sara!” She said, in a peppy voice. “I’m a make up artist and a fashion designer!” She cheered blissfully.

I tried to restrain from the makeover underway, but, it WAS two against one, and I was really tired. Sara dyed my hair, and picked out new clothes (not that it would matter really, I still had skinny’s, only this time I wore heals instead of convorse and these weird ass shirt things instead)

When I saw my hair again, I was freaking out. “Oh MY God!!” I screamed! “My hair- It’s BLACK!” I said, touching my new colored hair.

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