Friday, September 5, 2008

Chapter One

Its hard to be me, I have platinum blond hair, cut in an emo style that allows my hair to still be long (i use ALOT of hairspray), I wear super-skinny jeans, and converse sneakers, any kind of top is my top (unless it says prep on it)... all my friends are like this too. My eyes are blue, and if you stare in them long enough, you can tell that their as cold as ice.. That's who I am, Ice McCain, 15 and loving it. This is my pathetic life story…

BEEP! BEEP! My alarm clock was beeping. I groaned and fumbled with the buttons until I finally found the snooze button, and looked up at my clock, 5:30 a.m- “Oh MY God!” I yelled, running down the stairs in a fury of massive bedhead and pajama’s. “Who the HELL sets someone’s alarm clock for 5:30 in the God damn morning?!” I hissed at my parents, who were just looking up from their breakfast to look at me. “Hm, what did you say honey? I didn’t really catch the last part..” My mother said, buttering a piece of toast. I huffed. “Someone in this house, set my alarm clock for 5:30 in the morning!” I yelled. 
“Good morning, everyone!” My brothers best friend, Phil said, walking down the stairs, winking at me. Around 7:45 my parents cleared their dishes, and said goodbye, and headed off to work, chirping aimlessly about high gas prices. “It was YOU!” I hissed, launching myself at Phil. “What was me?!” He screamed. “YOU set MY alarm clock for 5:30 AM!” I sneered. Phil laughed, “You got me!” He said laughing still.
My eyes turned into little slits as I glared at Phil, and I tackled him, knocking him down. I pulled his face close to mine, using his shirt for leverage, seeing’s I was already straddling him. “Never EVER again!” I spat. 
Just then, my brother Alex walked down the stairs, whistling a happy tune. That is until he saw me on top of Phil. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU TWO THINK YOUR DOING!” He belted, clearly in shock. We both scrambled to our feet. “Dude, it’s not what it looks like!” Phil said, taking a step towards Alex. “Not what it LOOKS LIKE?!” Alex sneered. “My BABY SISTER sitting STRADDLING my BEST FRIEND?” He emphasised ‘baby sisterstraddling’ and ‘best friend’.

Weeks passed, and Alex and Phil were still living together, but Phil decided not to use our spare bedroom up next to Alex’s room, but the basement, “to be on the safe side” he told me, before we got on the bus for school.

>On The Bus<

I saw my super-best-friend Moira sitting alone on the bus, like usual, saving a seat for me, Jessie, Brad and Adam. “Hey!” I said, tapping her on the shoulder to let her know, that ‘real people’ existed- not JUST her iPod. “Oh! Hey!” She said, pulling an earphone out of her ear. Moira and I had been best friends, since I was 3 and we lived beside each other. She was always trying out new styles, punk, gangster, prep, goth and so on. But she was more comfortable with the “scene” look.
Moira and I talked about the boys we liked, and didn’t. Our bantering went on until we got to Brad and Adam’s stop. Brad and Adam were twins, and were my best friends. Also, they were amazing. Brad had gorgeous slate grey eyes, a strong, hard squared jaw, a strong muscular body, and was about 6“6. Adam looked very much the same, but had blue green eyes and was around 6“4.  Brad had black/blue hair, with lime green tints in the bangs, and Adam had shaggy black hair, he usually wore a beanie over. Moira had a MAJOR crush on Adam, and I was finally starting to see why. Moira was beautiful, soft brown hair, perfect complection, eyes as green as emeralds, and sparkled like diamonds, she was skinny, yet curvy, 5“4.. She really was beautiful 
(not in that gay way!Me on the other hand, I was skinny, barley any curves, I was told I had a gorgeous face, and I rarely had any acne, I was short for my age, 5“2, I had icey blue eyes, platinum blonde hair, I was scene, who was going to tell me other wise? I wasn’t lanky, or fat, but- when I saw me standing next to my too perfect friends in a photograph, I felt oddly out of place.
I waved Brad over to sit with me and Adam to take his regular spot next to Moira, but today she just glared at me.. “What?” I asked in a hushed tone, she rolled her eyes. Brad and I usually talked about the music we listened to (The Used, My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, and so on) but today, Brad just stared out the window. When Jessie finally got on the bus, he looked at everyone, and plopped down beside me.
“What is with everyone, today?” He asked, a joke I’m sure, but when I looked up, his face was serious. I shrugged, he sighed. Jessie was just like every other emo, only better, he was outgoing, he had a positive outlook on life, and he loved. He had a squared off jaw, pale skin, black and green spiked hair, with baby blue eyes. He was just, the average size of a well fit football player, not the average emo… was it?

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