Friday, September 5, 2008

Chapter Twelve

I was out in the cafeteria place when I was suddenly joined by David, which was nice. He was touring me around, and explaining the WOLFF Virus a lot. It was great to have at least one "friend" around, or at least until I got to see Alex, Adam, Brad, Moira, Sara, *Selena, and of coarse Phil again. I found myself thinking about him a lot lately. A tear trickled down my cheek. "Hey, what's wrong?" David asked, as he approached my table with two small containers of apple sauce and a brownie square. "Hm? Oh, just thinking about someone..." I answered truthfully. I really missed Phil, and his daily jokes- he always seemed to have an uplifting mood. I was always just so distracted by something, that I couldn't really miss Phil. Then I remember the song Phil wrote when I was 14. Calypso, I think it was called. "I know what you mean, I really miss my girlfriend- well, ex girlfriend now..." David said, after a moment of awkward silence. I nodded and sniffled while wiping my eyes. "If you talk about it, it might make you feel better." he suggested, that's something Phil would have said. I sighed. Here goes.
After an hour of explaining and crying, David seemed to finally understand- Phil was there my whole life, he was better then any big brother, and I loved him, I just didn't know how yet. Why was life so hard at times? "Sound's like an amazing guy." David said, trying to comfort me. But the truth was, Phil was an amazing guy, and I really hadn't noticed it, until my chance was gone- why was I such a loser?! I looked down at my hand, the gold band that Phil had engraved "L.O.V.E" on the inside, was on my finger, I usually wore as a necklace but as a ring, whatever I touched, it felt as though, Phil touched it as well. That comforted me, because I didn't know exactly where I was, or when I was leaving. 

~*~Phil's Point Of View~*~

Ever since I found out that there had been a car accident, and that the Wilson twins and Ice had disappeared and Alex was in the hospital- then being transfered out into an I.C.U in the middle of no where, I couldn't feel anything but numb. All the McCaine's were home, except the two I wanted to see in the house. I went up into Ice's room- walls painted black with soft pink hearts painted overtop, her computer, her clothes and jewelery- except the ring I had gave her... Everything was there except her, I couldn't bear it! I forced myself to do what I promised myself not to, run from every problem I had. But what else could I do? The people I knew weren't trust worthy, I couldn't go to anyone anymore, they all disappeared, and Alex was in hospital. So I got into my beaten up old chevy, and went as fast as that baby could take me to where I went when all things weren't going my way- The Cove. I knew for a fact, that that was exactly where all the druggies hid their stash- no cops checked out The Cove any more, it was useless, unless you wanted to get jabbed with a random needle, thanks but, no thanks. I remembered that my old guitar was in the bed of my truck, I had taken it out to my grandfathers to play for him, and I just needed to get somewhere to play her song, to play Ice's song.

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